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Special Discount for Loyal Customers in the Member Area

At Least 5% Discount

As a Returning Guest

As a valued returning guest who has booked with us multiple times, we grant you exclusive access to our member area with attractive special prices.

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These prices cannot be combined with special promotions!



Free additional driver and child seats!

Special Cars

Chevrolet Spark ….+ 10 years

auto Kreta Kundenbewertungen

Affordable older vehicles – ask about our special offers!

Top 10%

Includes the all-around worry-free package – no deductible!

SUV Sandero Stepway 30%


Sandero Stepway auto Kreta

Available now in our last-minute offer with a 30% discount for bookings made by 01/08!

 Unbeatable price – it’s almost too good to be true! ☺

Top 30%

Includes the all-around worry-free package – no deductible!

Skoda Roomster

or simillar Family  models

Skoda Roomster auto Kreta

Great prices even in the peak summer season

included in our last-minute offer!

Top 10%

Includes the all-around worry-free package – no deductible!